Saturday, July 25, 2009

The perfect game...

Maybe you heard - Mark Buehrle on Thursday threw a perfect game for the Chicago White Sox. As a Tiger fan, you can NEVER cheer for the Sox, but it was special to see a perfect game nonetheless. To give some perspective on this, since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon 40 years ago there have been a total of 11 people who have walked on the moon. During that same time, there have only be 9 perfect games thrown by baseball pitchers in the major leagues.

Basically since I have gotten back from Spain, I have been GO-GO-GO 24-7! Whether its work, school, or trying to be a good boyfriend, friend and son - its been a constant go-go atmosphere. Currently my schedule consists of me working or going to class from 8am-10pm every day of the week. However my biology class is coming to an end and I will once again be able to experience dinner before 11pm and hopefully have somewhat a a "normal" life again! :)

Finally, I would not be doing my job if I did not touch on the President and his health care plan. Its becoming more and more apparent that he is looking to show the American people results regardless of others opinions even the opinions of people in his own party! Early this week he held a prime-time news conference trying to win the public and many of his critics over. The working class people of this country don't want socialized health care because:
1. They want to keep more of their money. Government run health care would HAVE to raise taxes across the board 10-15% annually.
2. The government is the worst run corporation in America and they will become inefficient and unproductive in the ability to provide health care to people in need!
These are my 2 cents on the subject, we will see what happens!


  1. BOB called Buehrle after the game to congratulate him. He also suggested that the fact that he wore a Sox jacket at the all star game may have contributed to his performance.

  2. can you put in some words to obama to stop his health care plan?
