Friday, October 30, 2009

Sports and the Economy...

When I think of the fall classic (and for all you non-sports people that is the World Series) I think of Mr. October - Reggie Jackson himself. A hitter who built his reputation on coming through when I mattered most. If he was playing today, would we have to change his name to Mr. November. It is absolutely a joke that the World Series did not start until October 28th! It looked like the winter classic in game 1 from New York as the rain poured down and players were bundled up like a 2 year old on Christmas day! Seriously baseball, lets get the World Series done before its snowing!

There was a good article in the Economist today entitled "A joyless recovery". It talks about consumer confidence being low, unemployment rising but yet experts remarking that the recession is over! On a simplistic level, a recession is defined as two consecutive quarters with negative GDP growth. So, I guess from that definition yes we are out of a recession as GDP grew 3.5% in the second quarter - but don't be fooled, this recession has a long road to recovery.

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